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6:54 pm - 2013-07-10
Closure and inner peace with myself, my life today and my past...
Okay. So. I had this diary in 2004-2005, when I was 23 years old. That was 8 years ago. A lot of stuff has happened since then.

1: I turn 32 years old in 9 days.

2: I have got a new diagnosis: Post traumatic stress syndrome. It took them 12 years to figure it out.

3: I'm starting my treatment this fall, something called EMDR.

4: I met a guy 2 years ago and we got engaged. Our relationship only lasted for 10 months. He was an unfaithful, abusive dickhead.

5: I went vegan in 2012. I am a animal rights activist. And proud of it.

6: I have come to a point in my life, where I realize things. People are evil. And I isolate myself from them. Also, I have social phobia. It makes things very difficult at times.

That's it. For now.



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