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10:13 pm - 2013-07-11
Okay, so I got the diagnosis Complex PTSD in April of this year, when I was an inpatient at the hospital. I talked to a psychiatrist and he put it in my medical journal after 4 meetings. I fit into the descriptions and symptoms.

I think I was starting to suffer from it when I left home at 19. Memories from the abuse started to surface and I had no one to talk to. I was alone.

I have had a difficult upbringing and the scars from that is always present. I was sexually abused by a close relative from an early age. I was not safe. I was always afraid.

I will go deeper into this as time goes by. I wear my heart on my sleeve and I feel very tired tonight. Tired and empty.

I can't really focus. It hurts to think.



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